Nikiti puts visitors in a quandary at the very beginning of their visit: towards the mountain or to the sea? Happy memories await you whichever you choose.
If you turn left at the crossroad on the main road coming from Thessaloniki, the winding roads will take you to a prehistoric settlement featuring preserved houses from as far back as 1830. If you turn right however, the road will take you to Nikiti beach, where the coffee shops stand one next to the other offering you their welcoming shade and a view to the sea.
Any hour of the day is perfect for taking a stroll in the traditional settlement of this Mediterranean town on the Sithonia peninsula, among houses of Macedonian architecture, featuring the characteristic chimneys that demonstrate the skill of the local craftsmen, the church of Agios Nikitas, built in 1867, and the old local school.
Choose a restaurant that takes your fancy and give in to a more peaceful and slower pace of another era when people had direct everyday contact with nature. Take the time to have a traditional Greek coffee at the village’s oldest coffee house, owned by Nikos Kazanis, at its wooden tables laid under the abundant shade of a huge climbing vine. Don’t miss out on taking a walk to the beach, where you can have dinner or drinks right on the sand shore.
If you visit Nikiti on the 15th of September, the feast day of St. Nikitas, you can take part in the observance celebrations and follow the Saint’s icon as it is paraded through the village streets.